Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Acoustic Guitar Lessons

Learning guitar is HARD!! I knew it was before, but I didn't have full appreciation until now. Right now, I can barely strum through the main chords in Closer to Fine by the Indigo Girls and am working on finger picking with Dust in the Wind by Kansas. I still can't change chords so quickly without screwing up the rhythm, but I'm getting better slowly by surely, thanks to my great teacher - and time & practice (never enough of either). My fingernails are gone. My fingertips are hardening. Don't think I'll ever be a guitar heroine, but hopefully I'll be competent enough at some point...


the ice chewer said...

I am sure it will get easier with time.....

Anonymous said...

I agree with your post.Playing acoustic guitar is a great way to have fun whilst listening and humming along to the most amazing guitar songs. With hard work and practice we will get a rich and living sound. Playing this type of guitar is hard work on the fingers, and so it's a bit of a relief to be able to switch to an electric, which is much more forgiving.