Monday, February 4, 2008

Adele - 19

RMW was gone in Europe all week last week. :( However, the one good thing about that was that he filled my order for the UK release of Adele's debut album, 19!

You've likely heard Hometown Glory and Chasing Pavements by now if you read my blog, but what about the rest of the album? Well, I like it! I worry that she's getting a bit overhyped before she even officially debuts in the US -- 19 is not the best album of the year. However, it's a darn good debut. Adele has a mighty alluring voice. Her songwriting is a bit inconsistent and probably has some maturing to do, but it shows promise for sure. She's got a lot of different musical influences -- I love the track below called "My Same" which is modern, bluesy jazz and sounds like Peggy Lee's "Fever" reincarnated. Two other good songs, which are more retro motown are "Melt My Heart to Stone" and "Right as Rain". I'd like to hear her record more jazz (but realize the business peeps probably fear that'd be a commercial risk...). If anyone can make jazz hot again with a more mainstream audience, though, it just may be Adele.

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